Top 5 Apps For Youtube Creators . 5 Fantastic Android Apps for Youtuber .

Top 5 Apps For Youtube Creators . 5 Fantastic Android Apps for Youtuber .
Friends, if you are a Youtube Creator then you should use these 5 Android applications specifically in your mobile with the help of this you can get success in your YouTube career soon and bring more views on your YouTube Creator videos. And you can grow your channel as soon as possible.
So friends, let's talk about the 5 applications that you can use to get success in your YouTube Creator work and make your work even easier. With the help of these 5 Android applications

Top 5 Apps For Youtube Creators . 5 Fantastic Android Apps for Youtuber .

1.Open Camera
Friends, if you want to shoot good quality video for your YouTube channel from your mobile, then you need a camera app. Normally the preinstalled camera inside our mobile is a camera auto mode, inside We do not get much manual control and we can not get a good quality video to suit your smartphone, but if you Open camera will use the app if you can make good videos for your YouTube. Inside this app you can lock the focus of your subject. You can control white balance within this app, along with this app help. You can also record audio from external audio sources, in addition to this, you get many controls inside this app, so if you want to make a good video for your YouTube Week so Defintli you should use Open camera App.

Friends, if you want to edit your recorded video through your smartphone within your mobile, then you need a video editor for it, on the Google Play Store you will find many video editors but if you talk about it If you do, you will request a kinemaster. With Kinemaster you can edit good quality videos inside it, if you do not want anything inside your video, you can cut it or you can put text inside the video, add your channel logo and you will get this video editor There are many different effects that you can use to give even more quality inside your video.

3.Pixal Lab
Friends, if you want to make a good and high quality thumbnail for your youtube video from your android mobile. So for that you can use the pixel lab application. With this application you can create a good and professional viewing thumbnail for your YouTube video from your mobile.
Inside this application, you get many features. You can create thumbnails for YouTube and logo for your channel, as well as channel art for youtube channel too easily inside this application.

Friends, this application is not officially come from YouTube. This is a third party application. With the help of this application, you can find the best tags for your video. Within this application, you also have the tag ranking written in your video Inside one click, tubebuddy provides an application for Android and if you are using pc, then you have an extension within pc. By using it, you can easily take advantage of the features of this application. With the help of this application, you can see the tag of any other video. With this application you can send subscribers to your YouTube channel for real time count You can see how many subscribers are coming to your channel.

5.YT Studio (creator studio)
Friends This application is officially provided to all of its creators by YouTube.. This application comes through official Google LLC. You can check the overview of your channel using this application. You can see in this application how many on your channel Visitors come in and in what days how many visitors come to your channel within this application you will see the views of your videos You can see how many of your videos are seen by this application, with the help of this application, you can see your subscribers how many subscribers are currently on your channel, and what days many subscribers came from which came a subscribe from the video. Apart from this you can see here how much revenue has been generated from the views of your channel within this application. Inside you can read the comments made by your subscribers and their answers can give them so that the most important application that that you should keep it in your mobile if you are a Youtube Creator.

So this was 5 best applications for Youtube Creators, if you are a YouTube creator, then use these applications as default. If you liked this post written by us in this post, please tell us by commenting, if you have any questions or suggestions, you must tell me by commenting, I try to answer your question. And if you feel that you have posted on some other topic, you can still tell me
Top 5 Apps For Youtube Creators . 5 Fantastic Android Apps for Youtuber . Top 5 Apps For Youtube Creators . 5 Fantastic Android Apps for Youtuber . Reviewed by Pikashow APK Download Latest Version FREE on December 18, 2018 Rating: 5

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