5 Tips To Increase The Speed Of Internet. Best Tips To Use Fast Internet In 2018 .

In today's post, we will talk about the speed of the internet, how can you increase your internet speed, and within this post I will share with you 5 tips to increase the speed of internet if you Follow these tips, then I would like to tell you here that the speed of your internet will go up to that level as far as your network provider gives you the speed of internet speed That you can take full advantage of the speed being Provide by your network provider. Best Tips To Use Fast Internet In 2018
Here's what I am sharing with you 5 tips to increase the speed of the Internet I have received these tips from my personal experience and I myself use these tips to accelerate the speed of the internet.

1.APN Setting
reset the apn settings
APN Settings

  • Here's what I'm giving you tips for. First of all you have to go inside the settings of your mobile and then go there in the APN setting and as soon as you go inside the settings of APN, Option will come back to the default reset, you will have to reset it to the default, so that the settings of your APN will be reset and you will be able to take advantage of the official API setting and The speed of the internet will also be inked because many times we make some disturbances in the APN setting, due to which our speed of internet is greatly reduced and sometimes our internet does not run, if you do not have access to apn settings Reset if your internet was not running then it will go and if you were getting less speed then the speed of the internet would increase.
2. Delete The Cache files
Delete Cache Files in mobile
Delete Cache Files

  • Inside this tip, first of all you have to delete the cache file inside your mobile because sometimes it happens that many cache files come in our mobile due to which it affects the speed of our internet because many There are all such browsers inside which we use the internet and there are many cache files inside our browsers that hang our mobile and also our Fast Internet also does not allow you to delete these files so that you can take full advantage of internet speed. You can also use any third party app to delete these files, but I will use it for you I will not recommend for you use the cleaner coming in with your mobile to delete these files and when you delete the file, you will see that your internet Hosted will increase in speed.

3. Use Internet In Morning
morning internet use
Use Internet In Morning

  • Here, I would like to tell you that if you want to download large files from the Internet, for example, 5gb 10gb is 20gb or greater then you have to see one time because if you download such a big file in the evening time So you have the speed of the internet and the downloading speeds will be less and if you download the files in the morning, then you have the speed of the internet. The fee will be good and the downloading of you will be absolutely smooth and very fast download and the internet speed you get will get the highest speed in the morning time, as much as you provide your network operator, you will get the same speed in the morning hours. And here I am not talking about downloading only if you upload the file at that time ie the time of the morning, on the Internet There you will also get good speed of internet or if you have to watch any videos on the internet, you will also be able to see it very well without any buffering, if you have a connection to the high internet and you can easily browse here. You can not see the lack of internet speed in any way on the Internet because in the morning users who are above the Internet It is very rare in India, because in the morning many people go to the office. Many people are busy in their work. So if you take the time of the morning, to use the Internet, then you will be able to access the Internet Rather than good.
4. Internet access in the open space
Internet access in the open space

  • Here you will have to see a place which is open to you and for this you can take the place of the main door of your house, because the place where there is open is open and the network which is there also gets very good Because if we talk about our room then our room is closed completely and the network which is reaching there reaches very difficult, in such a way that the speed we get is Internet That's a lot less, but if we sit near the main door of our house then the network that we have will also get great and this will also give us the speed of the Internet too, then try to make sure that you can fast internet If you want to use it, sit in front of the main door for it or you can use the internet by visiting the park as it is also open space.At these places you will find the speed of the internet quite good because the area here is open and it is very much the chance that the internet network will be quite strong here.

5. Use Internet on the Roof
internet use on roof
Use Internet on the Roof

  • The internet you use here is to use above the roof of your house. If you use internet over the roof of your house then the internet speed you get will be good enough because the network which is above the roof is also good because the roof has come to the open space and is up In such a situation the network reaches very easily and it is not that you will get full network over the entire roof. You will have to look at such a place above the roof where you are good Etvrk get to you speed to the internet, just use the internet at the same place he will quite good.

These were 5 tips that you can use to increase the speed of your internet and use the Internet quite a lot of good speed and the experience of using your internet can do a lot well because when you have a good speed Under the Internet you will experience your experience, it will be good to use the internet and it will be better
                        For More Info. Watch This Video

5 Tips To Increase The Speed Of Internet. Best Tips To Use Fast Internet In 2018 . 5 Tips To Increase The Speed Of Internet.  Best Tips To Use Fast Internet In 2018 . Reviewed by Pikashow APK Download Latest Version FREE on October 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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